Changes log
Changes log
Agendo has been updated! If you experience any issues, please clear cache and cookies before reporting..
Version: 3.5.1
Agendo has been updated! If you experience any issues, please clear cache and cookies before reporting. Here is a summary of changes:
- New Ontologies module as an add-on to requests:
- ontology domains and entries can be configured with multi-level linear relationship
- Multiple ontologies can now be associated with requests, thus facilitating traceability and reproducibility
- Added a new column Institute in the list of users within facility configurations
- Financial usage report table now shows date range of the report
- Quote number is now added automatically to financial report table. A custom quote number can be manually entered instead
- Minor bug fixes thorughout the application
Version: 3.5.000
Agendo has been updated! If you experience any issues, please clear cache and cookies before reporting. Here is a summary of changes:
- New module for management of research samples (see under requests), including:
- Samples can now be registered and updated independently of requests
- One sample can be associated to multiple requests, for sample traceability purposes
- Minor bug fixes related to issue tracking, calendar waiting lists, notifications and chat.
Version: 3.4.050
Agendo has been updated! If you experience any issues, please clear cache and cookies before reporting. Here is a summary of changes:
- Added possibility to hide user on financial reports
- Refined search of custom permissions
- Improvements on email notifications for new permissions
- Bug fixes related to calendar waiting lists, subscription, reporting and other minor fixes
Version: 3.4.045
Agendo has been updated! If you experience any issues, please clear cache and cookies before reporting. Here is a summary of changes:
- Announcements can now be set on requests
- Financial report now details assistance staff, when applicable
- Bug fixes related to booking assistance, stocks, notifications and other minor fixes
Version: 3.4.040
Agendo has been updated! If you experience issues accessing bookings, please clear cache and cookies. Here is a summary of changes:
- List of facility users now available in the facility configuration page
- Bug fixes related to booking assistance, booking metadata, and other minor fixes